Rozelle Public School

Live Love Learn

Telephone02 9810 2347

Personalised learning for success

The learning support program at the school is overseen by the learning support team.

Learning support team

Louise Howlett – Learning Support Coordinator

Andrew Braiding – Principal

Angela Svinos - Deputy Principal

TBA – School Counsellor

Jen Lau – literacy and numeracy initiative/English as another language or dialect

English as another language or dialect

We receive funding for those students whose first language is not English, through which we employ Jen Lau so she is here three days per week.

Aboriginal education

Ms Amy Horton works with some of our Aboriginal students on individual projects that build their literacy skills and a strong sense of cultural connection. This is funded through the department.


Through our School and Community funds, we implement the extension program three days per week, taught by Ms Emma Milne. Ms Milne works with groups of students mostly drawn from Years 2 to 6 identified as having potential or achievement distinctly beyond their age. These groups change through the year to maximise the number of students who benefit.