Preschool hours and classes
The Australian Government’s National Partnership Agreement on Early Childhood Education requires that all preschools provide a minimum of 15 hours of care per week.
In order to comply with this regulation the Preschool has two classes in a five day per fortnight program as follows:
Class 1
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday – Week A
Monday, Tuesday – Week B
Class 2
Thursday, Friday – Week A
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday – Week B
The preschool is open from 9:00am to 3:00pm during the school term.
Each Preschool class has a trained early childhood teacher, and a suitably qualified school learning support officer for each class of twenty children.
Eligibility criteria
Children are eligible for enrolment in preschool classes from the beginning of the school year if they turn four years of age before July 31 of that year.
In accordance with the Department of Education and Communities' Preschool Enrolment Policy, Rozelle Public School is required to provide priority to disadvantaged children in the local community who are unable to access other early childhood centres. A disadvantage may be related to race, socio-economic status or disability.
Enrolment catchment area
Priority for enrolment to the preschool is given to children who reside within the school's enrolment boundaries. If a student lives outside the enrolment boundary and gains a place in the preschool, he or she will not be able to attend the school in Kindergarten.
The school's catchment area can be found at
Contact the school office if you are unsure whether your address falls within our catchment area.
Please read our Preschool Enrolment and Fee Policy (PDF 184KB) carefully for further information about enrolment criteria and procedures, and before completing an enrolment application.