05 Aug 2020

Celebrating Education Week
This week we are celebrating ‘Education Week 2020’ at Rozelle Public School and the theme this year is 'Learning together'. This title reflects an incredible year for all NSW public school students, staff and parents, and the partnerships that have been strengthened in response to COVID-19.
Our families are at the cornerstone of our community and we are disappointed that we cannot hold our usual open classrooms this year, due to social distancing and health regulations, where we would usually share and celebrate our successes with parents and carers.
Instead of you coming into the classrooms this week, we are bringing the classrooms to you, and so from today your child will be celebrating Education Week with you at home via Seesaw or their Google Classroom. All the classes have worked very hard in order to showcase their learning and achievements over the last semester. Please celebrate the work your children have engaged in and enjoy their presentations. We would also like to acknowledge the efforts of the teaching staff in providing such rich learning opportunities and experiences.
Further information about Education Week can be found at https://education.nsw.gov.au/public-schools/education-week/about-education-week